Community Games & disappointed developpers.
Last sunday, XBLA-Community Games creators could see for the very first time their long-awaited sales figures, and many of them were quite disappointed by such a gap between the facts and their expectations. As for ArkX, I must say it was a pretty good surprise for me. I didn’t know what to expect, because ArkX…
Publishing a Game on XBOX 360
Today, my first XBox Game has been published on the Live marketplace! It was definitely a great experience, and I am very grateful to all the playtesters and reviewers from the creators club. However, my submission took a lot of time, and that could have been avoided if I were a little more cautious. So…
GXView 1.1.0…
I didn’t have much time recently. However, I could re-build GXView, and make it XNA 3.0 compliant. You can download this new version here.
GXView 1.0.2b available, testers welcome!
Hello everyone, and Happy new year! I improved a little GXView, and here is the latest version! Here below are the key features: Image manipulation – resize (bicubic, linear or no interpolation) – very straightforward cropping function – undo-redo – rotate – save as… – compile as XNB asset – next/prev image (like the windows…
What about making a blocbuster for XBox 360 together?
Hi everyone Long time I didn’t post anything about XBox dev here. As you may know, we submited ArkX as a dream build play 2008 entry. Well, it didn’t win, but it helped us to get our hand into XNA and coding for XBox. Now we will soon release ArkX as a community game. And…