Tag: Game

  • Gamoniac (FR)

    Hello à tous, Petit post en français pour parler d’un site que je viens de découvrir: gamoniac.fr L’idée, c’est d’acheter un jeu a prix réduit, puis de pouvoir l’échanger régulièrement contre un autre pour une dizaine d’euros par mois. Pas de frais de port, ni d’engagement, et on garde le dernier jeu échangé lors du…

  • Publishing a Game on XBOX 360

    Today, my first XBox Game has been published on the Live marketplace! It was definitely a great experience, and I am very grateful to all the playtesters and reviewers from the creators club. However, my submission took a lot of time, and that could have been avoided if I were a little more cautious. So…

  • What about making a blocbuster for XBox 360 together?

    Hi everyone Long time I didn’t post anything about XBox dev here. As you may know, we submited ArkX as a dream build play 2008 entry. Well, it didn’t win, but it helped us to get our hand into XNA and coding for XBox. Now we will soon release ArkX as a community game. And…