LightWeight Content System (LCS)
If you are a website creator, I am sure you faced this dilema more than once: “Should I use an existing CMS or start from scratch and write my own small backoffice?” CMS are getting better and better, and offers plenty of functionnalities. On the other hand, it means you’ll need to dive into their…
My first RROD
Yesterday, I tried to play Dead Space, but instead of starting normally, my XBox 360 displayed 3 blinking red lights… known as the Red Ring of Death, RROD, or ROD. I heard/read a lot about this issue, however, being myself a moderate gamer, I foolishly hoped my XBox wouldn’t end up like this. A RROD…
XCross patch available
The corrected version of XCross is now approved and available on the marketplace. Several issues were fixed, and the “guess mode” implemented. Now you can switch to “guess”, set several blocks (or cross), and commit your guess if it is correct, or rollback if your hypothesis was wrong after all. There was an ArkX token…
XCross news
First Patch XCross has been live for one month now, and there was only several issues mentionned in the game forum. While it is a good news, those issue needs to be fixed, so I’m now working on the first patch. Reviews Emuboard recently published 2 very positive reviews : one for XCross, and another…
Back from holidays
1 week of honeymoon under the sun… Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) is definitely a nice place to be:-) Here below are few news: muryel-regard.com is now live! There will probably be improvements in a near futur, but you should take a look to this talented photographer who also happens to be my cousin. The development of…