Hi everyone!
It’s been a while since I didn’t post anything on my blog. As a result, there are plenty of news I’d like to share.
First of all, I fathered my first kid a little more than a month ago. (Which mainly explains why I was so silent on this blog). The name is Akio, and both the mom and the baby are healthy. We’re now both discovering the real value of sleeping…
Celine Piat, from LivingColors took many superb photos of the baby. If you need a professional photographer to take pictures of your wedding/baby/family, I couldn’t recommend you more to check her website.
It’s not the only good news: I also registered Teapot-Hosting as a company. There is sting many things to do, and things don’t go as fast as I wanted, but the business is on its rail. The website was reshaped, business cards were printed, and every user of the service seem to be happy.
As for Teapot, while the hosting is still the main activity, I also planned to release the tools I designed to help me to handle the business. Namely EasyBiz, a piece of software to handle customers/invoices/transactions with many cool features (graphical dashboard, customizable API, reports, plugins…). SLS, The licensing API and the keygen I use to deliver license keys for the Gametools Suite will also be released soon.
I’ll post here as soon as the betas are available.
4 responses to “Many news!”
Congratulations for the Kid !
Your nights will never be the same 🙂
And your sunday mornings will start as soon as a regular working days.
And your spare time for coding/playing… almost gone 🙁
But what strikes me the most is how much love you can have for someone, how much precious that little begin can be. You don’t know until you have one, clearly.
Happy fatherhood !
Thanks Droune.
You said “nights”? I’m about to forget what it means:-)
As for the spare time for coding/playing, yup, it was clearly reduced. I’m still hoping to have something done anyway. And the fact I’m now auto-entrepreneur pushes me to keep working even a bit. On the other hand I could see on your blog you manage to start a new project. Good luck with that! (I’ll post something soon: I’m interested in this kind of dev as well)
And I also join you about the love we can have for someone. Actually, it makes the lack of sleep way more acceptable.
Switch to french.
Auto-entrepreneur? Wow, cool, j’en rêve 🙂
Teapot-hosting & Games full time, ou autre chose, genre consulting?
Je rêve que d’une chose c’est de travailler chez moi, mais déjà que je trouve pas de boulot qui me file un salaire équivalent à ce que je gagne ici (suis coincé), c’est pas en faisant des jeux android dans mon garage que je vais rembourser mes crédits 🙂
Je viens de voir que tu avais commenté mon post sur mon blog ! Je vais voir les comments qu’une fois par mois, pour virer les spams.
Oui j’ai du code qui tourne en C/C++, en suivant le modèle du SDK Tegra de NVidia. Et oui il y a un “NDK” pour coder en C. Au fur et à mesure je recode la base de NVidia, pour m’en détacher. La STL c’est la merde au link, donc je tente de m’en passer aussi, const char * FTW! Mais les map me manquent, tout finit par être static, en dur. J’arrive à me convaincre que c’est pas grave pour un pti projet, que finir un jeu est plus important que de bien le coder, mon plus grand combat 🙂
Participer au teapotware android serait cool, très cool. Le souci c’est que la version C++ était partie trop dans l’objet, et le modèle, la hiérarchie des classes en place et le pipeline de rendu étaient devenus très différents de ce que je voudrais faire aujourd’hui. Mais mon travail serait surement plus utile à être intégré dans le TW que de tout refaire moi-même pour moi dans mon coin. Ca me rappellera le TW linux, l’enfer des makefile 🙂
Sachant aussi que je commence à réellement m’intéresser à DX11, je me rends compte que tous mes projets perso pourraient contribuer au TW, ce serait con de s’en passer.
D’autre part, ya plein de trucs pas mal dans le TW.net, notamment la structure en “pages” dont je me suis inspiré dans mon projet android.
int main()
std::cout << “Hello, Akio!\n”;