Graphedit issues

Anyone working with DirectShow knows about graphedit: this little handy tool to design/debug media graphs. However, I had 2 issues with this app, and it took me a while to figure out what happened.

GraphEdit refuses to open properties box

Rightclic on any filter/pin, then “Properties”, and you get an error.

Solution: Register proppage.dll (same folder as graphedt.exe. To register, type regsvr32 proppage.dll in a command shell)

Graphedit displays the list of remove graphs, but cannot open any

No error displayed, but once you clic on “connect”, you just get an empty graph.

Solution: Un-register quartz.dll (regsvr32 /u c:\windows\system32\quartz.dll), and register it again (regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\quartz.dll). You might get an error when unregistering, which confirm there was a problem with the previous registration.

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