Heightmap editor
In order to create the landscapes of Aerial Heroes, we had to search for heightmap generators. And oddly, there isn’t that many editors freely available out these. So here is the one I made for the project. It is fairly simple, and will be improved soon, but it can be enough if you’re looking for…
Graphedit issues
Anyone working with DirectShow knows about graphedit: this little handy tool to design/debug media graphs. However, I had 2 issues with this app, and it took me a while to figure out what happened. GraphEdit refuses to open properties box Rightclic on any filter/pin, then “Properties”, and you get an error. Solution: Register proppage.dll (same…
Aerial Heroes: skyboxes
Here below are the first skyboxes we made for aerial. I used terragen (definitely have to buy myself a license for terragen 2), to generate the 6 textures of a cubemap, and the ATI CubeMapGen tool to create a single DDS cubemap, which should be easier to deal with as a resource than 6 png…
Work In Progress : Aerial Heroes
Here below are initial screenshot of the latest project of Teapot-Studio:a fast paced shoot’em up. It looks pretty much like after burner climax, however the gameplay and level design should differ a lot. Our initial draft, after a couple of hours… One month later: dumb-but-shootable enemies, a decent skybox, and some eye-candy items like the…
Déclarer ses revenus XBLIG
Dans un précèdent billet, j’expliquais comment se declarer aupres de l’administration fiscale US et obtenir un numero ITIN. Cette déclaration vous permet de ne pas être taxé à la source, et donc d’éviter une retenue de 30%. Mais en contrepartie, vous devez déclarer ces royalties dans votre impôt sur le revenu. Ne sachant pas bien…