It took me much longer than I expected, but I am glad to announce a new GameTools release. With many fixes, of course, but also bigger features:
- TexturePack is now part of the suite for free. Hopefully, I’ll try to bring more ready to use assets like these later on.
- GXView now has a partial support for XNB 3DModels. There is still no preview (working on it), but it can extract to .OBJ. (animation not supported yet, but textures are.)
- ScreenBuddy now works well on multiple displays, with a sharper preview, and a better handling of shortcuts
- SLS is now used for the licensing
It took a while, but I also worked on a Box based scripting tool very useful for build & validation. I need to work a bit more on this, however I’m hoping to include it to the suite in not too long. Stay tuned!