TeapotWare Embedded APPlications (TWEAPPS)

Before testing, you need the mozilla TWRunner plugin.
Download and install the latest version of the teapotware runtimes here

Where to start?

Once you installed the plugin itself, you may want to take a look to tweapps samples. It will give you a better idea of their purpose and use.

So what are tweapps?

Tweapps are embedded applications. To sum up, compiled code running on a web page rather than on an normal window. The way they run is pretty similar to java applets, but they are compiled in native code, which makes them much faster than java. So to sum up, they offer more possibilities than flash, and run faster than applets. And unlike applet, tweapps cannot be uncompiled.

Here below is a list of advantages and drawbacks, which should help you to get a better idea.
Good Points Bad Points
  • Fast. Much more than java or flash
  • More secure (quite hard to reverse-engineer)
  • Flexible. Any type of application can be done.
  • No restriction. Run as a standalone application
  • Cross-plateform TWEAPPS are virtually possible, but harder to create than with java or flash
  • The security (from the user's side) needs to be improved
  • BETA version. We are currently working on it.
  • Based on TeapotWare, which is also in a beta state

Future developments

We planned to work on the following section on a near future: